Remember when you were a kid, and you just couldn’t wait for Christmas to come? You made paper chains to count down the days and couldn’t sleep for nights before the big holiday. When the anticipated event finally arrived, you were overwhelmed with excitement. After looking forward to Christmas for so long, you just wanted to soak up the smells, colors, surprises, and fellowship. The big day had finally arrived.
This great event, Patriotic Travel to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, has finally arrived. I have counted down the months, weeks, days, and now hours. It is time. Just as the child on Christmas day, I want to take advantage of every moment, sight, conversation, story, and experience. Christmas day comes around only once a year, but touring Okinawa and Japan with World War II veterans and hearing their personal stories at historic sites in the Pacific Theatre…this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I want to take pictures in my mind that will stay in my heart forever. I don’t want to miss anything.
But how can I soak it all up? What can I do to take it all in? I am packing my journal, pen, and recorder. I am ready to listen. I am ready to learn. I am ready to serve our noble veterans, and to pass their heroic stories on to the next generation. I am ready to begin the trip of a lifetime.
Ciera Carson
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